
Family History Society

Re: Manx Seamen Lists
In Response To: Manx Seamen Lists ()

1881 Ships in Port website by Bob Sanders, Cardiff

Dear List,
I am sending this to the list in case some of you do not know about it.
It is an excellent site which belongs to Bob Sanders and which he has just updated, many, many, names from I.O.M on board ships/boats.
He sent it to the DEVON-L@rootsweb list.
Best wishes,
Carol Lloyd nee SHIRLEY
Please scroll down for URL:
Below is what he wrote:

I have just updated my Ships in Port 1881 website with the details of the
following ships and their crews:-

HMS Brilliant
HMS Clyde
HMS Hercules
HMS Lord Warden
HMS Neptune
HMS Netley
HMS Unicorne

All were in ports in Scotland on census day 1881. Crews were from all over
the UK and some from the "colonies"

Details can be accessed via


Bob Sanders

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