
Family History Society

Re: bridson family tree
In Response To: Re: bridson family tree ()

As Micheal has already said there are many Brideson's or Bridson's search their family histories. My father and I are one such set of Brideson's. We have a full history back to 1791 and are aware that it is possible that members of our family emigrated to America and Canada. Through this society we have managed to track down relatives who are still living, in Canada and there is a possibility that we may have found living reatives in New York but this still has to be confirmed.

It may be possible that we have the same line but would need to confirm a link in some way. Perhaps if you could send us some names of your ancestors stating with your father's name we may be of some assistance and who knows we may even be related........but don't hold your breath as it may cause sudden death. :-)

Hope to hear from you soon, my direct email will get a quicker responce.

Rob Brideson