
Family History Society

Re: Copyright and genealogy
In Response To: Re: Copyright and genealogy ()

No use of material does not break copyright (a common misunderstanding) - eg if you buy a set a plans to build a house then building from them infringes no copyright - copying the plans to give to your neighbour does - copyright is just that a legal 'right' to make a copy. Likewise with the phonebook - use is ok but copying a page is not - yes everyone agrees that current scheme within digital copying is becoming unworkable - however someone has to pay authors, compilers etc and more draconian laws are already on statute books of many countries

re Roots etc I have no knowledge - I am surprised that you entered any 'contract' that you cannot break loose of - eg by giving a company your credit card number with authority to deduct.

The 'classic' way to prove piracy was that adopted in mathematical tables - make a minor but deliberate error (eg alter 2nd initial ? or date of birth by 1 day ?) in one character - if this error occurs in the opponent's text then you have perfect proof in any court of law.