It's been quite some time since I obtained my id and passowrd. As I recall the first time I attempted to enter the Society's "On-Line Data (Members Only)," through
I asked for an id/password by completing a brief message using the "Response Form" button. In turn I was emailed an id and password.
I entered the information and opted to keep the id and password on file so I now have a "cookie" that still gets me in with one mouse click. I just checked it and it still works.
The information available is limited to some burial records and three census reports for two locales.
I notice that the Response Form still indicates the entire feature as a "trial run of on-line data being made available to IOMFHS members." I have not noticed any updates to the data in a few years so although it's available perhaps it is so only in a developmental sense.
Inasmuch I would suggest using the "Response Form" to contact the Society itself and see if this will provide an id/password.
Gary Clucas - Seattle